Activities for SDGs
With the aim to realize a sustainable society, our company is taking measures to lower the environmental burden and to solve environmental problems based on the following policies.
Environmental Philosophy
We believe we have the responsibility to pass on a "Green Earth" to the next generation. As a car manufacturer, we will improve our manufacturing of products made from stamped metal sheets and cut down on pollution.
Environmental Policy
As a responsible car manufacturer, we will do our best to make long-lasting efforts to reduce and improve the environmental burden in all of our activities involved in manufacturing products made from stamped metal sheets.
- 1.We will observe the laws, ordinances, agreements, and other requirements regarding the environment.
- 2.We will establish our own goals and plans for improving the environment and encourage taking action continuously.
- 3.To realize a better environment, we will continuously educate all employees on the environment and promote activities to preserve and better the environment together with our domestic and international customers.
- 4.We will disclose our policies and establish collaborative relationships with persons involved with environmental preservation on a variety of levels.
Our ideas for
achieving the SDGs
Donation of basket balls to prefectural high schools
and special needs education schools in Shiga Prefecture
In support of the Lakes Basketball Donation Project of the Shiga Lakestars, we donated a total of 138 basketballsー90 balls
to Shiga prefectural high schools and 48 balls to special needs education schools (elementary, junior and senior high
schools)ーas our small contribution to creating a better environment for sports education in FYs2022 and 2023.

Bought the naming
for Nakatsu City
Nagasoe Sports Park
For the purposes of promoting sports activities and activating the communities in Nakatsu City and the northern region of Oita
Prefecture, D-ACT and Nakatsu City entered into a naming rights agreement for the Nagasoe Sports Park (2023 - ).

Local environment conservation activities
As par of our SDGs and environmental conservation efforts, we engage in clean-up
activities in the vicinities of our facilities and on the banks of the Inagawa every year.
Vicinities of our facilities


Inagawa Clean-up Operation

Nakatsu Mejiron
Clean-up Operation